Reports and initiatives

With a focus on the key resilience themes of the strategy, you can find a range of guidance for businesses and recommendations for the Government.

You will find reports on financial resilience, jobs and skills, sustainability, innovation, community, high streets and more. 

The Hospitality Strategy

For all the latest hospitality strategy from delivery to recovery and resilience, take a look at our latest documents.

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Communities and high streets

Hospitality businesses are the lifeblood of high streets up and down the country. Take a look at the latest Local Economies and Communities Working Group reports.



Read the latest insights and guidance on innovation within the industry, backed by data and expert knowledge.

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View our latest finance reports with insight into financial realities and support.

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If you're an operator who needs advice and guidance on being more sustainable, by reducing waste or meeting net zero commitments, look no further.

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Recruitment, Retention, and Skills

Keep up with the latest guidance and resources for attracting, retaining, and training staff.