Other sustainability support & guidance

For sector specific support, read a range of guidance below:

  • Brewing Green Initiative
  • UKHospitality Sustainability Archives
  • UKHospitality Sustainability Commitment
  • The Sustainable Restaurant Association - (The SRA) has set the standard for sustainable food and drink businesses around the world, connecting businesses across the globe to accelerate change toward a hospitality sector that is socially progressive and environmentally restorative. 
  • British Institute of Innkeeping provides access to free guides, calculators and insight, including a   direct link to apply for the Sustainability Champion Award which is open to all and provides a great platform to showcase great work in sustainability & provides an asset to use with customers and team members. 
  • Guardians of Grub , brought to you by WRAP, offers free, practical tools to empower professionals across the Hospitality and Food Service sector to take a stand against wasted food.
  • Cost Saving Skills Course • Guardians of Grub - developed in consultation with Hospitality and Food Service professionals, is designed to help reduce the amount of food being thrown away from your business. The course is FREE and takes only 15 minutes to complete.  Whether a trainee, head chef, or CEO of the business it provides the practical skills and knowledge needed to stop food waste costing your business time and money.
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